
A place for my writing to be free!

monday may 22, 2023

Wednesday 31,2023

Words can be tyrannical and dictate how we experience, interpret and decipher meaning. Give two examples of how words or language can change or influence the meaning of a symbol or concept.

The word, depression, or the concept of a depression, has been evolved through language and connotation, and how we have placed it around human emotion and away from the market and money. The context we have built around mental health may have indeed spurred from the great depression, and from Financial depressions, and how that built and effected the human psyche even if it was subconscious that a bunch of people experiencing financial pressure at the same time is going to create a lot of emotional depression.We then went forth to encompass this concept into what is so widely now known as depression. A good example of the feeling of a concept then becomes encompassed into its own explanation. With the widespread of experience being shared the name becomes immediately akin with the state of mind. And in turn is recognizable shared understanding.

I also notice the association we give to words and example being the word simulation. I believe the Universe simulates itself but whether or not it is a simulation is to understand the origins of the word simulation and what actuates this idea or where the idea came from. Without the connotation the human mind gives to this word would it still exist? What is a simulation without its description and what did the world look like before the word came into definition. The originality and organic feel of life breeds its own continuation would life really exist if it was all one big simulation but what parts of life simulated before the word simulation existed? How did we as people come to this belief , what experience made someone believe in this idea? What is the simulation? Therefore how do we simulate? And moving forth how do we frame reality? Even further how do we experience the simulation? What was the first time someone believed life was a simulation? A part of me believes this belief is hiding something not everyone on the world can access. We are simulating life to protect life itself to understand world, a part of me believes that to try and explain or describe the world is indeed simulating it. The time your brain takes to believe and process the information is the time in which you are simulating reality. Because we do not believe that we know what everything is and we discover name and invent things to simulate reality. But those of us who believe we must already know what everything is do not simulate reality. We experience life by naturally accepting out instinct to know the world. May haps it is every instinct for us to love one another and we discover and create to bring people to this conclusion.

I also what to know how we came to believe this, as a society have we gone somewhere that requires this belief? Is this belief a trap or a means to developing the experience of self actualization as instinct. Even our study into animal behavior sets them apart from us but shows us that it is possible to know things by instinct and that it is actually quite easy? Is the study of the hominid (monkey to man) a means to quell the mind and separate it from animals because to truly understand life is to accept that it is something we know very easily through instinct. The evidence of how easily we know this proves that humanity's instinct of preserving love as a form of preserving life and the ability we have as people to pass down DNA and continue living. Where did we start believing in this ? Was it self love is all love self love. Life in this form being the Universe and the universe being infinite tells us that maybe indeed life is as well. Is the Universe life? I am wondering whether we simulate it by slowing our minds enough to process that life is forever. Can we as a society handle this? Does believing in the simulation help you believe you can control the nature of the Universe meaning life from being too much? Or is believing in this simulation what helps us control the fear of life? Meaning that we have control? Because a simulation is a word that is defined to give something name and definition may indeed breed change and control. Do we need control over the Universe? Is the Universe uncontrollable? Or this is again proof of humans natural instinct to dwell in self love and love each other because simulation implies control meaning the one in control is implied to be God. Therefore is God's evidence in the simulation, because someone must be in control. In all beliefs we point or imply love which I believe is human nature to have and express God. Because God is within all of us as so much more than love. But also in love in entirety. Muthesius refers to almost mass producing large scale handcrafts like buildings, and Van de Velde talks about the focus on things that were original in their time will halt innovations. Both ideas are interesting paths of preservation of art, and should be considered together. If anything I believe the effort to preserve both ideas as a whole must exist forever to protect individuality and organic happiness. To stop the 1984 or Anthem mentality or world.

William Morris founded Kelmscott Press and believed that mass production did not allow for a hand-crafted product that showed evidence of the creative maker (artist). Mass production provides products to more people at a reduced cost. Are these ideas still important? Why and how? Give examples. You can use the ideas of Muthesius and Van de Velde.

I believe this form has us using the more swallowable form of capitalism, Mass production. I believe what is being described is also a simile to describe a process brought into a chain or cycle of dominance where we slow the development of technology to mass produce items to mass produce coin and revenue. The idea of a hand craft item may be a way to quell the slow pace of innovation. I may be exaggerating but the iphone for example could be far above its time but instead they update feature by feature to maximize revenue and by accident hopefully not convince the world that this is all technology can do at this point. A part of me believes that this agenda feeds into the feeling that the world is slowly developing. Maybe the lobbyists want to slow innovation in fear of the robot apocalypse. I was always curious about whether or not we have scientists who gather research to see why or when through societal pressures we are ready as a society for the new tech. But I truly think that this may be looking on the bright side at that lobbyist gatekeeper wealth because truly if there are cool things that people want would that not automatically boost the working morale? It is ideas like this that are larger scale forms of this Morris and Press ideal which is the beginnings of these dangers but also the solutions the idea of a hand craft is a single one, unreplicated and valuable because we have only that one that is exactly like itself. Its value is different from anything that weighs against high tech. And if high tech was handcrafted how would that affect wealth and its peace.

Give an example of one or more technologies that impact design and visual communications. It can be historical or current or futuristic. Explain the benefits or disadvantages and why.

The 3D scanner is such a lovely technology that has begun to artistulate (a word I made up to mean artistically convey and waymake) the worlds between math and art. This design also makes it fun for tech savvy kids to dream. This allows us to more mathematically create anything we can program. Most of all anyone that knows how to use this thing can tell you the way they feel like the power of an over encompassing creator dwells within their heart and has them hungry for new tech and design. The crazy thing is that children with affinities and abilities to program and use a 3D scanner are often bored and unsatisfied with their lives. They are probably just too excited to be in a world that is coming, the slow moving pace of technical development is baffling to me. A part of me understands the dilemma I detailed above as being the reason for this. Tech must stay in competition with itself and Ai development must stay in check. To continue this world's trek to utopia. I feel like we tend to waste so much time on entertainment and distracting the children in favor of keeping all money in a select few hands.

I didn’t understand the question . Exposed I figured I had nothing to hide but there may b nothing to u.

I have never known that thing we make in our bedrooms or between lips in the tips of fingers and along spines .

I do not feel pain thou I fly like my sisters weep when I feel and forgive as I must. If anything is worth waiting for a mother is perfection. This pain is so stupid .

I want to share the warmth